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Summer Fields Oxford

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Activities and Clubs

"Pupils achieve a very high standard in a broad range of extra-curricular activities which makes a strong contribution to their personal development."

ISI Inspection Report

Montage of images showing boys playing chess, raft building, playing backgammon, playing pool, playing croquet, wood whittling and drawing

We take this aspect of life at school very seriously.  It is often the case that boys discover some unknown or undeveloped talent while taking part in an activity.  Success here can lead not only to a new line of interest, but also to enhanced self-belief and self-confidence.  The huge range on offer means there is always an activity of interest to every boy in the school, and tutors will ensure that boys do not pass up the opportunity to sample as many of them as possible.

Pre-prep activities and clubs

Boys in Years 2 and 3 take part in a structured programme of activities and clubs between 3.40 and 4.25pm each day. These include art, craft, ball games, cooking, gardening, ICT, drama and music.

All boys are also able to stay for after school tea club until 5.45pm.

Prep activities

In the Prep school, Tuesday and Friday afternoons are set aside for activities. In addition, many off-site activities take place at the weekend.

There is a tremendous range of activities for the pupils to sign up for including Bridge, bee-keeping, archaeology, gardening, pottery, table tennis, scrap booking, cross stitch, knitting, croquet, crochet, board games, Doodle Maths, gymnastics, Fives and video production. There are also clubs for science, swimming, history, running and model railways. The activities change regularly to keep students engaged, inspired and reflect the changing seasons.

Some activities take place out of school which include rock climbing, caving, kayaking, camping, raft-building, navigation and survival skills.

Paid for specialist coaching

The Prep school also offers a range of activities which are paid for as they are taught by specialist coaches these include music lessons, golf, drama, LAMDA, clay pigeon shooting, rifle shooting, tennis, fencing, squash and chess.

Residential trips

Residential trips take place several times in the year, in the UK and abroad. Boys in their final year visit Ypres and the surrounding area at the start of the Autumn term.

We have our own camping facilities in the Plantation – a large area of woodland close to the river, fitted out with shelters and a dining shed, in which all younger boys will spend two or three nights every year.

"Clubs and activities feature strongly for all age groups. … boys can sign up for whichever activities they fancy with plenty of flexibility from week to week. It’s less about what you do and more about just getting stuck into something."

Good Schools Guide 2023