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Summer Fields Oxford

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Pre-prep admissions

We are currently accepting applications for all year groups (Reception to Year 3) for September 2025 in Pre-prep.

If you would like to receive a prospectus, organise a tour or meet the Head of Pre-prep please complete our online form and Christine Berry our Registrar will get in touch.

If you'd like to experience all that our Pre-prep has to offer you are welcome to attend our open morning, stay and play or Forest School sessions.

Open Morning

Prospective parents and their families are warmly invited.  The day starts with coffee with the Headmaster and other members of staff.  You will then enjoy a tour of the school in the company of one or two of our Year 7 tour guides.  These boys will tell you everything there is to know about the school, and are enthusiastic and honest founts of wisdom.  We do not prime the boys or staff to do anything out of the ordinary during the morning, so it is your chance to see Summer Fields running as it always does.

Our next Pre-prep open morning is on Friday 16th May 2025

If you wish to visit the school before, then please contact our Registrar for a personal tour.

Pre-prep Stay & Play

For parents to bring boys under 4 to enjoy a taste of Summer Fields Pre-prep and make new friends.

Thursday 30 January, 9.30am - 10.30am

Thursday 20 March, 9.30am - 10.30am

All sessions are free. 

Forest School - Little Foresters

For 2-4 year olds

Thursday 6 February, 9am - 10.15am

Thursday 27 February, 9am - 10.15am

Thursday 13 March, 9am - 10.15am

Forest School is the place where magic can start to happen as imaginations, self-confidence and vocabulary start to grow. Every visit to the Forest will be to the same place, yet the story will always change and be different. The amazing memories and adventures that take place in Forest School will always be enjoyed.

Parents play an active role in our Forest School learning and trying out new things alongside their child. They take place in all weathers, so we recommend that your child come suitably dressed with arms and legs covered and waterproofs for wet and rainy days.

All sessions are free.

Four young boys wearing waterproofs and wellington boots running outside

Following your visit you will be asked to register your child, pay our £100 registration fee and consent to them attending an assessment day or individual assessment.  Please don't be concerned, the assessment sessions for Pre-Prep are very relaxed and informal, and give us a chance to meet your son, see him interact with other children, and show what he is capable of, applicable to his age group. We are looking for well-rounded boys who will be able to access the varied and exciting curriculum we offer at Summer Fields.

Once this is complete we will contact you as soon as possible to let you know whether we can offer a place.

You can find full details of each step of the process on our admissions process page.