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Summer Fields Oxford

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The Head Boy's Christmas speech

Three boys in ties and jackets

Each year at Summer Fields, the school comes together to share Christmas dinner. It is a long-standing tradition for the Head Boy and his deputies to address everyone. 

This year our Head Boy Joshua and his Deputies, Gus and Hugo, chose the theme of reflexion. How small goals can add up to big achievements and the importance of giving and receiving support when striving to achieve your goals.


Good evening! What a term it’s been. Thank you all for making Summer Fields the positive place it is. It’s crazy thinking that we’re a few days away from just relaxing at home or flying to a different country, far away from the busy life of school. The beginning of term feels like it was just yesterday! It is strange to think that for half of the senior boys sitting here, this’ll be our last Christmas dinner, and our last Michaelmas term at Summer Fields.


As we look ahead to the holiday, we should reflect on what we have achieved in this term. I want everyone to think of something positive that they’ve done this term…. It doesn’t need to be great and enormous, it can be as simple as keeping a tidy locker, getting an SUG or avoiding blues and detentions... What matters is that you set out to achieve this goal, and you have now accomplished it.


Now, think of a goal that other people helped you achieve. The point we’re trying to make is that it is important to thank the people that have invested their time in you, so they know how much you appreciate them.

Now think of something that you didn’t do as well as you hoped to. As we all move towards a new year and a new term, put that behind you and look forward to see how you might improve, so that one day you can look back and see this hurdle as something you’ve overcome.


And remember, if you need someone else to make your dream a reality, don’t be afraid to ask! Sometimes you need other people to help you when things are too great a goal to tackle yourself.