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Summer Fields Oxford

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Admissions process

"The school’s clear values and ambitions give parents a distinct sense of team spirit."

Talk Education 2023

Pre-prep admission

We accept children into Pre-prep at any age from reception (aged 4) to Year 3 (aged 7-8), although places are often limited beyond the reception class.

Prep school admission

The majority of our pupils join the Prep school in Year 4 (aged 8) where there is an option for them to be boarders or day boys.  Occasionally, we are also able to accept boys into Year 5 and above (aged 9+).

Most pupils join the school in September, but there is also the possibility of joining us in either January or April, subject to availability.

"The facilities at Summer Fields are second to none - it is a stunning school and the grounds are absolutely immaculate."

Current Parent

Your admissions journey

We aim to make our Admissions process as straightforward as possible. Our Registrar Christine Berry is here to support you through every step of the admissions process. You can contact her via email or by phone on 01865 459204 / 07483 357895.

STEP 1 enquire

To enquire about a place at Summer Fields for your child please complete our online enquiry form or call our Registrar Christine Berry on 01865 459204 / 07483 357895.  Once completed you will receive a prospectus and be added to our email list to receive invitations to our Open Mornings, Pre-prep Stay and Play and family events.

We also encourage you to watch our virtual tour and explore our interactive map.

This is also the point at which you can express your interest in a means-tested bursary or put your child forward for our Maclaren bursaries which are means tested and provide fee remissions of between 50 and 100%.

STEP 2 arrange a visit

The next step is usually for parents to visit us. There are a range of options available to you depending on whether your child will be joining the Pre-prep or Prep.

step 3 register your child

Once the prospectus has been received and we've arranged your visit our Registrar will send you our online registration form which you will need to complete alongside payment of our £100 registration fee.

You can register your son at any point from birth.

step 4 admissions assessment

We aim to welcome pupils with a broad range of talents to Summer Fields; our admissions assessments ensure that everyone joining the school will thrive academically and pastorally whilst they are in our care.  While we are selective when making decisions about entry, this selection is not driven solely by academic ability.

At this stage you should let your current school know about your intention for your child to join Summer Fields and advise them that we will be contacting them for a school report.

Find out more about Summer Fields Admission Assessments

step 5 formal offer

Subject to availability and the various assessments we undertake, in addition to receiving a satisfactory report from your son’s current school or nursery, Summer Fields may make a formal offer of a place for your child.  This will be confirmed in a letter.

step 6 acceptance of place

To formalise your acceptance and for us to start getting everything in place for your child's smooth transition to Summer Fields, parents are required to complete a series of forms which will be sent to you via our Registrar.  You will need to:

  • Sign and return a 'Parent Contract' accepting Summer Fields’ terms and conditions
  • Sign and return an 'Acceptance of Place Form'
  • Provide us with a scan of your child’s passport
  • Pay your acceptance of place deposit

If your child is an overseas pupil we will also begin their visa application at this stage

step 7 new pupil orientation day

Once you have accepted a place for your child and paid a deposit, it is time to prepare your child for their start at Summer Fields.

For September entry, we hold a New Pupils' Orientation Day in June of that year, when we invite your child to spend the morning at the school with their peer group. This is a very important day for you and your child to familiarise yourselves with teaching staff and the surroundings, and we encourage as many children as possible to attend.