Meet the Staff
Louisa Ainsworth
Year 4 Teacher, Head of Day Boys
Ian Barrett
Assistant Head of PE, Master i/c Football
Nicola Bewes
Charly Bishop
Part-time Music & Learning Support
Anna Blackstone
EYFS Teacher
Richard Bradwell
Design & Technology, Geography, PE, Swimming
Robyn Brennan
Pre-prep Teaching Assistant
Caleb Broomfield
TPR, Latin, Humanities, History, Lodge Assistant (Mayfield)
Nicola Bush
English, Mathematics, Humanities
Tom Butler
Head of PE
Jack Carroll
Head of Science, Lodgeparent (Front Lodge)
Olivia Carroll
Lodgeparent (Front Lodge)
Sophie Carter
Classics. Lodge Assistant (Front Lodge)
Anna Clinkard
Domestic Bursar
Claire Coolin
Mathematics, Head of PSHEE
Hilary Coad
Learning Support Teacher
Lindsay-Jayne Dickinson
Year 3 Teacher, Lodgeparent (Mayfield)
Peter Dickinson
Geography, PE, Lodgeparent (Mayfield)
Nicola Donne
Learning Support
Tom Edwards
English, Head of Years 7 and 8, PSHEE
Alan Foster
Teacher of Classics
Amanda Gibbard-Atherton
Forest School/Outdoor Learning
Alice Godwin
Teacher of English
Boo Haigh
Pre-prep Gap Year Assistant
Elinor Harris
Year 1 Teacher
Rev'd Richard Harrison
Chaplain, TPR, History, PSHEE, Classics
Charlie Hodgkiss
Music, TPR
Ben Hudson
PE, Art, Lodgeparent (Savage's)
Hannah Hudson
Assistant Director of Music, Drama, Lodgeparent (Savage's)
Abi Hulme
Year 2 Teacher
Ben Jones
Teacher of Maths
Max Jones
Head of Mathematics, Lodgeparent (Cottage)
Rachelle Jones
Lodgeparent (Cottage)
Asia Kaszuba
Lizzie Keeble
Year 3 Teacher
Rob Lagden
French, Parent Relations
Alex Lane
Director of Sport, Lodge Assistant (Upper House)
Kirsty Langley
Lodgeparent (Borva)
Stephanie Long
Pre-prep Teaching Assistant
Helen Lord
Head of English, Deputy Director of Studies
Sarah McPhail
Mathematics, Deputy Director of Studies
Belinda Millar
Head of Year 4, Lodgeparent (Upper House)
Sally Morrish
Head of Learning Support and EAL
Jeane Noel-Davies
Head of French, Extra Languages Co-ordinator, Head of Years 5 & 6
Eddie Orr
Head of Art
Katherine Parry
Learning Support Teacher
Daniel Parsons
Mariola Pawlak
Pre-prep Teaching Assistant
Maryon Phelps
Art Teacher, Pottery & Ceramics
Dougal Philps
Chris Phillips
Head of Design & Technology
Dominic Price
Head of ICT, Master i/c Athletics & Shooting
Gareth Price
Director of Music, Drama
Chris Sparrow
Geography, ICT, Head of Activities, Cover Administrator
Pandy Sparrow
Year 4 Class Teacher, Master i/c Tennis
Catherine Thurston
Emily Webb
Science, English, PE
Duncan Wethey
Head of Classics
Rosie Woolley
Head of Theology, Philosophy and Religion, Professional Tutor
Man Kit Yeung
Jeremy Rooth, BSc, MBA
Alastair Chirnside, MA
Hannah Fox, MA
Pam Mundy MA, BEd
Charlie Paterson, MA, MEd
Dr John Sfakianakis, PhD
Chair of FGPC
Roger Shaw, MA
Vice Chair
Richard Shepherd-Cross
Diana Sichel, MA, MB B Chir (Cantab), MRCGP, DCh
Alexander Snow, MA
Philip Weaver, BA
David Faber
Joanna Blackstone
Pre-prep Head, Designated Safeguarding Lead
David Woolley
Deputy Headmaster, History
Charlie Langley
Deputy Head Pastoral, Head of Geography, Lodgeparent (Borva)
Ollie Bishop
Head of Boarding, Head of History
Paul Davies
History, TPR, Senior Master
James Kirk
Emma Webster
Finance Director
Sarah Barrett
Bank Nurse
Christine Berry
Maggie Boardman
Head Sister
Emma Brown
PA to the Deputy Heads
Colette Cawthra
Senior Sister
Laurence Dardenne
Librarian and Archivist
Nicky Darling
Senior Matron
Nancy Foley
Finance Officer
Lili Friend
Prep School Receptionist
Rosemary Jebbet
HR Manager
Beth McLaughlin
Headmaster's PA
Cheryl Sprague
School Nurse
Sam Tully
Prep School Receptionist
Karen Watterson
Pre-prep Secretary
Leona Powell, MA
Andrew Serazin, D.Phil