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Summer Fields Oxford

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Pre-prep curriculum

Two young boys focused on writing at a table, engrossed in their task.

We offer a curriculum which is centred around exciting and varied topics. In turn, this ensures maximum engagement from the boys and offers them the opportunity to learn about topics in depth and allows them to apply different skills that they acquire across the curriculum.

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) follow the specific statutory framework, delivered through a play based curriculum. High quality and enthusiastic teachers instil a love of learning in the boys and equip them with the skills for their future education. In EYFS there is direct access to their own outdoor area, so learning happens here as well as in the classroom.

Two little boys playing with shapes on a lightboxA woman with a child in a classroom collaborating on a project











Daily maths and literacy are taught across all year groups, introducing the principles and allowing for consolidation across each term. The remainder of the core subjects are delivered through the creative curriculum, with Science, History, Geography, RE, Art and ICT all linked together through a termly topic. Broad topics are covered including ‘Footprints from the Past’, ‘Just keep Swimming’ and ‘Moon Zoom’.

Boys are encouraged to delve deeper into their topics, both at school and at home, and learning skills such as creativity, problem-solving and resilience are all interwoven in our provision. These skills, alongside knowledge and understanding, prepare the boys for the transition to the Prep school at Year 4.

A woman and a boy examining an object through a magnifying glass closely.