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Summer Fields Oxford

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Zones of Regulation at Summer Fields

Summer Fields motto is ‘A healthy mind in a healthy body’ which means we take an all-round approach to pupil welfare. Over the Michaelmas term we have been introducing our pupils to the Zones of Regulation to equip them with effective coping and regulation strategies for dealing with anxiety and stress.

The primary goal is to support the boys to manage their emotions, enabling them to return to a calm and receptive state for learning ready to tackle challenges and foster greater resilience. These coping techniques are collectively referred to as "self-regulation."

The pupils have been introduced to the Zones through our PSHE (Personal, Social, Health, and Economic) lessons. The Zones language has also been integrated into daily school life, with all staff members referring to them, not just the classroom teacher.  The boys have learnt that everyone experiences all the Zones, and the Red and Yellow Zones are not labelled as "bad" or "naughty." All Zones are normal and expected at different times. They’ve also learnt that; the Blue Zone can be helpful when trying to fall asleep.

So, what are the different Zones?

  • Blue Zone: Low arousal level; not prepared for learning; feelings of sadness, sickness, fatigue, boredom, or sluggishness.
  • Green Zone: A calm state of alertness; the optimal state for learning; feelings of happiness, calmness, contentment, and focus.
  • Yellow Zone: Increased state of alertness; heightened emotions; some level of control; feelings of frustration, worry, restlessness, excitement, and partial loss of control.
  • Red Zone: Highly alert state with intense emotions; not conducive to learning; feelings of anger, fear, out-of-control behaviour, extreme excitement, and total loss of control.

Over the coming months our news items will be reporting on how we’ve been working with pupils and parents to implement the Zones of Regulation. We will chart the impact on life for the boys both at school and at home.

If you’d like to find out more explore the links below:

About Zones of Regulation

Zones of Regulation activities

Zones of Regulation toolbox