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Summer Fields Oxford


A classroom filled with children joyfully playing musical instruments together.

A love for music, whether individual or collaborative, is shared with the boys from the beginning of their time in Pre-prep. Music specialists from the Prep school visit each class twice a week concentrating on the elements of music as well as exploration of new instruments.  

Young boy wearing Summer Fields navy school uniform playing the pianoMusic is taught as a curriculum subject, often tying in with topic work undertaken in other areas of the timetable, as well as being delivered through extra-curricular activities. 

Boys are encouraged to take individual music lessons from Year 2 onwards and we currently offer piano, singing and violin. These one-to-one lessons take place in a specific music room in the Pre-prep.

Parents are warmly welcomed to regular Pre-prep coffee morning concerts. Here they get to hear the boys sing and play instruments together demonstrating their music talents.

A classroom filled with children, one of whom is smiling brightly.