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Summer Fields Oxford

Activities & wrap around care

A young boy holds a metal bowl whilst playing outside.Activities

A well-rounded curriculum is about more than what happens just within the main school hours, so to add greater breadth to the Pre-prep day, we offer a variety of extra-curricular activities.

These activities vary on a half termly basis and range from den building and cross-country to seasonal crafts and cooking.


Trips and visits

Our location close to the centre of Oxford provides a wealth of places to visit in the city as well as further afield. Pre-prep regularly take trips to support classroom learning and bring subjects to life.  Recent visits have included Cotswold Wildlife Park, The Story Museum, The Living Rainforest, Winchester Science Museum and Crocodiles of the World.

Wrap-around care

Alongside the extensive activities programme, we also offer a chargeable breakfast club and after-school care for those parents that may require it.

Both clubs run daily, meaning there is wrap around care available from 7.45am until 5.45pm every day.

Boys are fed during both clubs and enjoy some much-needed relaxation time at both the start and end of the day. 

A young boy confidently performs a holds himself up on a bar, showcasing his strength and balance.Young boys on astroturf running after a football