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Summer Fields Oxford

A Typical Day 

"Pupils are motivated, curious and work together extremely successfully, benefiting from excellent relationships with their teachers which creates secure foundations for their success and achievement."

ISI Inspection Report 2022

sis boys sitting on steps either reading or chatting togetherThe days at Summer Fields are action packed, you will be amazed at the end of term how much you're managed to get done.

The school operates a six-day week with regular short breaks throughout the term. The timings of the day do vary slightly depending on the day of the week or the time of year but here's what you can expect to be doing in a typical day at Summer Fields Prep.  

Summer Fields Pre-prep typical day is different.

7.15am Time for the Boarders to get up

From 7.25am Every day starts with a hearty breakfast in the Dining Hall. Porridge, bacon and eggs, toast, hot chocolate and fruit juice are more than likely to be on offer.

7.45am - 8am The day boys arrive at Prep to start their day

8.20am We go to Chapel or Assembly (it depends on the day of the week).

8.35am - 10.20am Three lessons follow, then

10.20am - 11am Break time with time to refuel and catch up with friends.

By now you may have had a music lesson or tutorial, or even a meeting of the Food Committee or School Council.

In the Summer Term, you may want to check on your garden, or slip out for 30 minutes of nets, or play pool or table football in the games rooms.

11am - 12.50pm Three more lessons take you to lunch.

12.35pm Lunch with friends and staff in the dining hall. Enjoy a tasty selection of hot food or enjoy a delicious salad. Don't forget dessert!

1.40pm - 3.25pm After lunch it is games or lessons, depending on your year group.

3.25pm Food is never far away, with Little Tea you have a chance for a snack to keep you going.

3.50pm Games for everyone. No matter what your age or ability you will be able to take part in games and compete against other schools.  If it is Thursday, you will be into Minor Sports – badminton, squash, Eton Fives, to name but a few.

5.15pm - 5.55pm Time for fun activities. This can be anything from chess to knitting.

From 5.55pm Junior day boys are collected with homework complete, so the evening can be spent with friends and family relaxing.

6pm Supper time begins for Junior Boarders, whilst senior boys (Year's 7 and 8) undertake private study

6.40pm Senior day boys are collected, and Senior Boarders have Supper. For Junior (Year's 4-6) Boarders this is free time have for music practice, rehearsals or a final run around before returning to Lodge.

At Lodge there is time to relax and maybe enjoy a snack or two, but really it is time to unwind, to chat to your Lodgeparents and to ………….. sleep.

two boys running on the school field