Meet the Staff

Claire Coolin
Mathematics, Head of PSHEE
Teaching and Pastoral
From a coastal town in the Republic of Ireland, Claire completed her degree in Physiology at University College, Cork before achieving her PGCE in Wales. After a couple of years teaching in London, Claire ventured to the Middle East where she taught in an international school in Cairo, taking advantage of many and varied travelling opportunities. With the travel bug somewhat satiated, Claire relocated to Oxford with her husband Matt. They now live in the Oxfordshire countryside with their two children.
Having completed an action research project on problem solving in maths and presenting her findings at a global conference in Boston (USA) Claire joined Summer Fields from Oxford High in September 2022. Claire teaches maths and is Head of PSHE. In her free time, Claire enjoys tending to her collection of exotic and unusual house plants, cross stitch and embroidery as well as going on the occasional run.