Meet the Staff

Helen Lord
Head of English, Deputy Director of Studies
Teaching and Pastoral
Having been brought up in the Windrush Valley near Burford, Helen read English Language and Literature at New College, Oxford. From a family of teachers, it took her very little time to step into line and, luckily enough, she found that she loved the profession! She took a B. Phil. Ed. five years into her career, and taught part-time whilst her son was small. She came to Summer Fields from Cokethorpe School in 2015 as Head of English. She was appointed Deputy Director of Studies in 2021.
From an early age poetry has been her great love, and she has fond memories of composing childhood poems at a time when quality was not an issue! She is a Trustee of The Nasio Trust, a charity supporting young people in Kenya. She also enjoys the theatre, 15th and 16th century choral music and as many visits to the West Country as she can.