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Summer Fields Oxford

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'Twin The Vins'

Boys in the Prep School have been set an Art Challenge to raise awareness of our fundraising for Toilet Twinning.

In today's School Assembly, we introduced a whole school Art Competition which challenges the boys to transform a toilet roll tube into a piece of art. They will do this in their art lesson this week and can continue over Long Leave, if they so wish. We are delighted and very grateful that George Gompertz, one of our Gappers, and his father, Will Gompertz, the BBC's Arts Editor have kindly agreed to be the judges. There will be prizes for each year group and league points too! We look forward to seeing what ideas the boys come up with.

The competition is raising awareness of our fundraising efforts for Toilet Twinning, a charity which enables poorer communities to have access to toilets and clean water. We were lucky to have the CEO of the charity, Lorraine Kingsley, join our online assembly this morning where she talked about the charity's work and why it is so important. 

Just £60 would enable Summer Fields to 'twin' a school toilet helping fund a project in a poor community that will enable families to build a basic toilet, have access to clean water and learn about hygiene – a vital combination that saves lives.

There are 100 toilets at Summer Fields and if we raise £6000 we could twin them all!

Click here to visit our JustGiving page to help us #TwinTheVins

As all Summer Fields boys will know, 'Vins' is the term used in school for the loos. The original 'Vins' were in a cloakroom built over 100 years ago on the site of a conservatory that was used for growing grapes - a vinery. The name 'Vins' stuck and is used to this day to refer to any of the loos around school.